Selena Hallman
My name is Selena and I am 18 years old. I live by the three "F"s: Family, Fitness, and Fashion.
Throughout my life I have been truly blessed enough to be surrounded by amazing people who have given me incredible advice- which has encouraged me to better myself inside and out.
In my short time in the industry I have developed a real passion for modelling and acting. I am actually quite humbled by the unexpected amount of opportunities that have already been presented to me. I have been in several commercials, multiple magazines, fashion runway shows, featured on the radio, competed in bodybuilding compeitions, been part of news articles in both the paper and on television - all while proudly being involved in several community projects.
I would love to continue developing my modelling and acting skills as well as build a profile into the lifestlye and fitness sector. I cannot wait to expand my horizons, meet new people, travel to new places, and see where this incredible journey leads me.